Is It Bad To Close A Laptop Without Shutting Down? Laptopax

Is it bad to close a laptop without shutting it down? This is a question that many laptop users ask and especially those laptop users who are very careful about their laptops.

As the laptop is an electronic device and it can be damaged if we don’t care for it properly. 

So in order to keep using a laptop in a long run, you have to use it very carefully, otherwise, its performance will drop and you will not get the desired results from your laptop.

Read More: Fan & Lights Stays On After Shutdown Windows 10.

Do you know what happens to your laptop when you close the laptop Lid without shutting it down? Many people think that when they close the Lid of their laptop the laptop shuts down automatically but they are not right. 

The laptop will not shut down automatically when you just close the Lid. So the question is it bad to close the lid of the laptop without shutting it down?

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In this article, we will discuss what will happen to your laptop when you just close the Lid without shutting it down, and also we will tell you some tips about caring your laptop for its long life because laptops are so expensive and everyone should take care of it for using it for a long time.

After reading this article you will get the answer to your question.

Is It Bad To Close Your Laptop Without Shutting It Down?

As a laptop is a machine and like humans machines also take some rest for their better health. If you don’t give rest to your laptop then you will see the problem of hibernating.

The hibernating problem occurs only when you use your laptop without giving it a proper rest.

Read More: My Laptop Keeps Freezing And Not Responding?

Though it is important to know that when you close your Lid without shutting it down, it can be configured at any time.

Most laptops have an option of sleep mode when you close the Lid without shutting it down, it is safe to do this.

There are mainly three settings that you can set to your laptop for powering it off, these are.  

  • Put your laptop on Sleep mode.
  • Shut down your laptop completely.
  • Put your laptop in Hibernate mode.

Let’s discuss all of them one by one.

Sleep Mode:

When you put your PC in sleep mode it consumes very little power. All the file folders and tabs that you open will not close on sleep mode when you open your laptop after some time all your tabs, folders remain open.

Putting your laptop in sleep mode is a good option when you want to give some rest to your laptop and you don’t want to use your computer for that particular time.

Shut Down:

We all know this state of power, when you have to shut down your laptop you will first close all the files and programs that are running on the laptop then you can shut down your laptop. 

If you close programs or files on your laptop and directly shut down it from the windows menu then before shutting down it will ask you to close the running files and programs before shutting down your laptop, when your laptop shut down it consumes no power and it completely rests mode, so you have to close the running files and programs before shutting down.

In order to use your laptop again you have to reboot your laptop and after rebooting all the files and programs that you are running before shutting down were closed.

Hibernate Mode:

In hibernate mode your laptop will save its current situation and when you reboot your laptop all the files that you were running will pop up on the screen. 

In hibernate mode your laptop used very little power and it’s a good option for you when you want to give rest to your laptop and don’t want to close the running files as well.

When we put our laptop on hibernate mode it stores all of our running data on a hard drive and when we reboot our laptop after some time it may take a few seconds or minutes (depending on the laptop model type) to recover all the files on the screen.

As we have discussed in all three states now you can set your laptop to any state by just closing the Lid of your laptop.

So, “is it bad to close the Lid of your laptop without shutting it down?”.

The answer is No! because it all depends on how you configured the settings of your laptop. If you don’t configure any settings on your laptop then it can be bad to close the Lid without shutting it down.

The latest laptops are designed to consume less power and they are customizable. If you have the latest laptop then you don’t have to worry about it.

You can set the power modes for your laptop in different situations, all you have to do is go to the “Control Panel” of your laptop and search for “Power Options” and then click on “Change what the power buttons do”.

From there you can set the power modes as per your needs. 

See the attached image below for a better understanding:

how to set power modes in windows 10

Tips to take care of your laptop for its long life:

Install Antivirus Software On Your Laptop:

In order to keep your laptop secure from malware attacks or encrypt all of your files and folders from damage then you should install antivirus software on your laptop.

This type of software is designed to secure your laptop from hacking or malware attacks because nothing is safe from viruses.

Keep Any Kind of Liquid Away from the Laptop:

Liquids are the enemy of electronic gadgets, if you are drinking any kind of liquid besides your laptop an accident can happen at any time so if you accidentally spill liquid on your laptop (water, coffee, tea, etc) then it’s very bad for your laptop, liquid can damage your laptop brutally.

Just be careful when you are drinking a cup of coffee or tea while using your laptop, it is better for you to keep away from your laptop while drinking any kind of liquid as laptops are soo expensive and nobody wants to ruin them by doing any mistake.

When you accidentally spill liquid on your laptop it will go inside the laptop and damage it badly, so be careful.

Clean Your Laptop Regularly:

As we use the laptop daily and some dust from our hands sticks to the laptop keyboard and if the laptop is a touch screen then the laptop screen will also get dirty, so you should keep your laptop clean on regular bases because it will save your laptop from any damage.

Read More: How To Clean Laptop Screen & Keyboard At Home Safely

Don’t Stress The Power Cable:

In order to take care of your laptop, you also have to avoid stressing the power cable because it can lead to battery damage and can cause many problems for your laptop in a long run.

Read More: How Many Watts Does A Laptop Use While Charging?

Why Does My Laptop Take So Much Time To Shut Down?

  • Your laptop can take too much time to shut down due to several reasons, if you are running too many programs and files on your computer and suddenly shut down then it will take some time to shut down your laptop completely.
  • Apart from this, there might be problems with your laptop software, hardware, or hard drive of your laptop.
  • Malware can also affect your laptop in shutting down slowly.
  • And at the end, if your system is updating then it may take some minutes to shut down the laptop completely.

These are the possible reasons for shutting down your laptop while taking some time.

Bottom Line of Closing Laptop Screen Without Shutting Down:

Is it bad to close the lid of your laptop without shutting it down? This is a question that is in the mind of many laptop users.

The answer to this question is No! You can close the laptop screen without shutting it down, it will not harm your laptop especially if your laptop is the latest model. 

In modern laptops closing the laptop lid without shutting it down is not harmful, you can set the power modes of your laptop as we have mentioned above.

We hope that you have got the answer to your question by reading this article. Also, we have written some tips to take care of your laptop for its longer life. We recommend you take care of your laptop if you want long life of it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are a few frequently asked questions about closing the lid of a laptop without shutting it down.

Is it bad to shut down a laptop without closing tabs?

 I’ve heard that it’s bad to shut down a laptop without closing tabs. Is this true?

I’ve heard that it’s bad to shut down a laptop without closing tabs. Is this true?

The short answer is yes, it’s bad. The longer answer is: It depends on what you are trying to accomplish by shutting down your computer and how often you do it.

If you’re shutting down because you’re leaving, then no, it’s not bad at all. In fact, the opposite is true.

The reason is simple if you leave the tab open when you shut down the computer, Chrome needs to reload each tab when you start up again. 

This can be time-consuming and annoying if there are many tabs open. Shutting down without closing tabs saves time by eliminating that step when starting up again.

But if you’re shutting down because there’s nothing else left for your computer to do and you’d like to save battery power or get some work done while not using any CPU cycles, it can be better to close your tabs first before doing so.

How To Keep Windows Open After Shutting Down?

 If you want to keep Windows open after shutting down, here’s how to do it.

Windows 10 has a feature that lets you keep the system up and running for a while after logging out. This is useful if you want to leave your computer running overnight, or if you’re using a laptop and want to be able to access it while on the move.

You can set Windows 10 to keep an open session after closing the lid by following these steps:

1. Open the Start menu and type “Power & Sleep Settings” into the search box at the bottom left corner of your screen. Click on Power & Sleep Settings when it appears in the results list.

2. Click on “Additional power settings” on the left side. You will now see all of your current power options listed in the right-hand pane. 

3. Click on “Choose what closing the lid” from this list of options. 

4. You’ll see three options – Sleep, Shut down and Do nothing (previously called “Do not put my computer to sleep”). 

5. Toggle Do nothing onto your preferred setting and choose to Save changes as necessary when prompted by Windows 10’s system tray icon pop-up notification window.

How To Close a Program on Windows With a keyboard?

  • Press Alt+F4 to close the active window.
  • Press Ctrl+F4 to close the active window and all of its open windows.
  • Press Alt+Space, type Exit, and then press Enter.
  • Press Alt+F (or any key between F2 and F9) to switch between open programs.

How To Keep Tabs Open in Chrome After Closing It?

There are several ways to keep tabs open in Google Chrome. Here’s how to use them:

Here is how to keep tabs open in chrome after closing it:

  • Hold down Control and tap the TAB key.
  • From the menu bar, select File >> Keep Open Tabs.

Right-click on a tab and select Keep Open Tab (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + K).

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